Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

October 29, 2018

Keeping Warm with Noize Original Vegan Outerwear

Noize Original Joyce Jacket Oversized Hood Vegan Leather Sleeve

I don't know about the weather where you are, but the cold has really started to hit hard here in Montreal! Nights have been dipping below zero degrees Celsius, and as I am writing this the first snowfall of the season is blanketing the night view outside my window - same day these photos were shot. Talk about a quick change in landscape! In true Canadian fashion (pun intended - you'll understand as you keep reading!), I am all about bundling up and always look for outerwear that will stand the test of a cold front and snowfall to keep me warm and dry. So when Noize Original* reached out asking if I would like to try one of their jackets, I thought well, perfect timing!

October 23, 2018

Dry Skin Saviours with Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula

Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Body Lotion Swivel Stick Original Solid Jar

My skin has been in need of some major TLC ever since returning from my recent trip! I always seem to forget how dry my skin gets during and after travelling, in between the dry cabin air, quickly alternating between warm summer and cool fall temperatures from experiencing different climates, and my skin no longer being used to hard water. Thankfully, the most perfect care package from Palmer's* landed on my doorstep when I returned - talk about perfect timing! I've been a fan of the brand for years, having tried their Cocoa Butter Formula for both face and body, and most recently their Coconut Oil Formula, so I was super excited to dive back into their Cocoa Butter Formula line and try out an old favourite as well as a couple of new-to-me additions. Not only does this range contain pure and natural cocoa butter, but it is also packed with vitamins A, C and E and antioxidants to both prevent and soothe dry skin.

October 18, 2018

Europe Travel Diary | London, Paris, Nice, Monaco, Brussels and Amsterdam

"Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." 
- Mary Ritter Beard

I've recently returned from the most amazing Eurotrip! It was jam-packed with a lot of city-hopping: 17 days, 5 countries, 6 cities, 7 flights (as well as taking a lot of ground transportation and walking) and 7 accommodations later, I've come back home with memories that will last me a lifetime. In case you missed it, I shared a Pack With Me in my last post in which I showed everything I brought with me on this specific trip - things I surprisingly managed to fit into a single carry-on suitcase! We started our journey off in London and then made our way to Paris. We got to experience an extended summer in both Nice and Monaco and finished our adventures off by visiting Brussels and Amsterdam. We opted to stay at both hotels and Airbnbs (First time trying? Get $45 CAD in travel credit when you sign up*)! Sometimes videos and photographs speak louder than words, so I thought I would share my travel photo diary with you below (get ready to scroll!), along with a travel vlog that captures the highlights of my European travels. I hope you enjoy!
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