Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

August 8, 2018

Spirulina Beauty Benefits + DIY Face Mask

This post was sponsored by iHerb and all opinions expressed are my own. Affiliate links provided.
Vital Proteins Spirulina

I stumbled upon the greatness that is spirulina when I first transitioned to a plant-based diet over four years ago. I was reading a lot of books, articles and educating myself through videos and one supplement that kept popping up over and over again was this green superfood. You have probably already heard of it since it has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, but in case you did not know, let me fill you in! Spirulina is a nutrient-rich algae that is packed with chlorophyll (the pigment that gives leafy greens and blue-green algae their colour). This sea plant is made up of 60% protein and is a powerful antioxidant and immune booster, while also being high in vitamins and minerals. It contains essential amino acids such as leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine and valine, and is also rich in bioavailable iron and has been found to help treat anemia. Over the years, I have tried spirulina both in liquid and powder form, adding some to my smoothies, and recently I have been taking the Vital Proteins Spirulina* in capsule form as well, which I got from iHerb. If you've been around for a while, you would know how much I enjoy shopping from this online store!

Vital Proteins Spirulina

The Vital Proteins Spirulina is non-GMO and grown in California in pristine water that is surrounded by clean air. The pure spirulina powder is packed in pullulan (plant capsule), making this product vegan-friendly. You can take it internally: the recommended dose is 4 capsules per day, which translates to 2 g of protein, 4,000 IU or 80% DV of beta-carotene (Vitamin A) and 20 mg of sodium, as well as use it topically in your beauty routine. If you are wondering what the beauty benefits of taking spirulina regularly are, you've come to the right place!

Spirulina Powder Vital Proteins
Beauty Benefits of Spirulina

Detoxifies: This superfood helps eliminate toxins that accumulate in your body, such as heavy metals which get stored in skin tissue as well as atmospheric pollutants.

Energy Booster: Feeling (and looking) tired and in need of a natural pick-me-up? Spirulina powder helps improve and maintain your energy levels.

Healthier Hair and Nails: Because of spirulina's high protein, fatty acid and iron content (which are the building blocks of healthy hair and nails), you can expect stronger hair and nails with regular ingestion. This is also a great supplement to take daily if you are dealing with hair loss as it promotes hair renewal and it also helps treat dandruff.

Improved Complexion: This superfood is rich in antioxidants and thus has anti-aging properties as it helps protect the body from free radicals and other toxins which cause premature signs of aging. It also helps fight inflammation and is great for those with sensitive/problem skin. It is calming and soothing for those dealing with rosacea, and it can also help reduce acne-causing bacteria. You can expect dark circles to be reduced as well.

I'm a huge fan of homemade face masks and like to alternate between clay-based ones and spirulina-based ones, and I always notice an immediate difference in my acne-prone skin. I personally like to apply a face mask twice weekly.

Spirulina Beauty Benefits + DIY Face Mask

DIY Spirulina Face Mask Recipe

As promised, here is my favourite DIY Spirulina Face Mask recipe:

- 7 capsules (650 mg each) of Vital Proteins Spirulina (their capsules can easily be opened - if already in powder form, use 2 tbsp)
- 2 tbsp filtered water
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 2-3 drops of facial oil (optional - I like using this rosehip and cranberry oil blend)

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl until it forms a paste. If desired, pop it in the fridge for 15 minutes to provide a nice, cooling sensation. This recipe does make enough for two applications so you can store it in the fridge for two days if you don't have a masking buddy to share your DIY with!

Spirulina Beauty Benefits + DIY Face Mask

I recommend bringing the bowl underneath your chin while applying the mask to your face with your fingers to avoid a messy situation. Since spirulina and apple cider vinegar smell quite strong, I like adding a natural face oil to give it a more fragrant smell (some of my favourites include rosehip oil, argan oil and jojoba oil). I leave the mask on for about 20 minutes or until it has mostly dried (you will feel it gradually tighten on your skin) and wash it off with warm water. You will look quite frightening (as you can see below) - but it's worth it, I promise!

Spirulina Beauty Benefits + DIY Face Mask

I love how my skin feels right after - it's super smooth and it looks very radiant too!

One bottle of Vital Proteins Spirulina (C$38, US$29) contains 120 capsules. You can shop this product directly on iHerb and explore other Vital Proteins products they carry as well. When shopping through the links provided in this post, you will also receive a discount off your order!

Have you tried spirulina? If you haven't yet, I would highly recommend you welcome this gift from nature into your life!

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  1. I love doing face masks. They are so good for my skin and always make my face feel so good afterwards! Looking SO forward to trying this one.

  2. There is nothing better than a fantastic face mask and this looks like it will be amazing for any skin type. Supplements are more important to me as I get older.

  3. I need to start taking Spirulina because I always had a great complexion until recently and I love that it also has anti-aging properties. I also want to try your DIY face mask.

  4. I have never taken this before but should give it a try. Doing face masks are always fun and feel so good afterwards.

  5. I love making face masks, but never have the time, this one seems quick and easy though.

  6. I love face masks. They always leave your skin feeling so amazing. I'll have to try this one.

  7. I will be checking out this new company as I need to take better care of myself including my face which the mask would allow me to do.

  8. I Bet that leaves your skin feeling wonderful! I need to try it!

  9. This is a great idea. I would love to get my hands one some and try this out.

  10. This one really works! I have used it before and loved what it did to my face!

  11. I could use a good face mask. This one sounds incredible. I'll have to try this out for sure.

  12. I haven't tried it but now I want to! I love anything that I create for myself when it comes to beauty products.

  13. Umm, this is very interesting. I could use this face mask as it sounds like it would help my face a thousand ways.

  14. I've never made face mask like this before! It's really interesting and it's definitely something that I'd love to try! I'm sure it makes your skin feel refreshed afterwards!

  15. Hello!
    I must admit that I've never tested spirulina butheard a lot of it.
    Thanks for sharing this lovelyreview!
    Enjoy your week!

  16. This one gave me real good information. thanks for sharing

  17. Soooo, this is amazing! I never though about making a face mask out of spirulina. I will have to try it out!

  18. I've heard of spirulina and its beneficial influence on the body. However, I didn't really know that you can use it as a face mask. Can't wait to try it out! :)

  19. I have heard really good things about Spirulina and I love Vital Proteins so I am definitely checking this out!!

  20. This sounds like an amazing product. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I love trying new beauty items. Looking forward to trying this.

  21. Oh wow I love that you mixed up your own face mask. I totally want to try this recipe now. It sounds so fabulous for the skin!

  22. My aunt have told me once about the advantages of taking spirulina. I MIGHT GIVE IT A TRY now.

  23. I love vital proteins products but have never tried this one! Now I need to.

  24. That is a very interesting face mask. I have never knew that you can make a face mask using a Spirulina I will definitely try this to see the result.

  25. I'm all about face masks! I love to try new ones and see how they make my skin feel.

  26. I didn't know you could make a spirulina mask! I have been reading a lot about it. Great stuff!

  27. I think it is always best to make your own. That way you know exactly what went in it.

  28. I love DIY Face Mask. I like to try that one someday :)

  29. This sound amazing for our skin ! I should take the time to make a mask and better, do it one myself ! Thank you for sharing those tips, i had no idea !

  30. I did hear about spirulina before and about the health benefits is has on the internal body. I didn't know however that you can use it to create a face mask as well. Very ingenious.

  31. Now this is such a great idea! Hands up I love a good face mask and I could totally do with DIYing my own, after all you know it only has good things in it then!

  32. It's been many,many pero MANY moons since BB has done a facial. The older BB gets the more she feels the need for one. Gracias for the reminder.

  33. I have heard of some great benefits of Spirulina before. I could definitely use the energy ones at present. My daughter would really appreciate the face mask.

  34. This is a great post. I’ve used Spurilina, and it’s awesome. I really like that brand of it also. Thanks for sharing!

  35. I never used it before but heard about the way it works... I am definitely gonna give it a try after my pregnancy 😊👍🏼

  36. One of my friends told me about it, now after reading about it I am sure she was right. I will straightaway start using it.

  37. This is fabulous!! I have not heard of it till now but definitely would love to try it and create my own DIY face mask!

  38. I had no idea about all these benefits! I have to try this

  39. OMG I have Spirulina I must try this!!!! Thank you so much I will let you know how my skin feels afterwards!!! Thanks again <3

  40. Love DIY projects, especially beauty ones that improve skin texture

  41. What a great idea! Gonna try this one at home. 😍

  42. I take spirulina for years and never thought about opening the capsule and making a mask..I am go in to try this with almond oil and add I vitamin E capsule..the inside thanks again for another great idea!!


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