Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

July 26, 2017

Moisturizing Isn’t Just for Your Face

Vagisil ProHydrate Natural Feel Moisturizing Gel Extra-Strength Anti-Itch Creme pH Balance Feminine Wash

I have peaked your curiosity, haven't I? I know, not your typical beauty-related post, but one that covers an interesting (and important) topic nonetheless, and that is vaginal dryness. This is a topic that I believe should be more openly discussed - if you are a woman (which I know most of you reading this are!), you have most likely experienced this kind of discomfort at one time or another, and knowing there are products out there that can help, such as the Vagisil ProHydrate Natural Feel Moisturizing Gel*, is a relief in itself! My goal here is to make intimate care less taboo, and let others know that those dealing with dryness down there are not alone - in fact, it is quite normal and we should not feel embarrassed to talk about it, even with our doctors.

What are the causes of vaginal dryness?

The main cause of vaginal dryness is hormonal change and is not limited to menopause or peri-menopause, as pre-menopausal women can also experience it due to some of the following reasons:

- Periods
- Pregnancy
- Stress
- Certain medications (like antihistamines and birth control pills)
- Other hormonal shifts, such as post-pregnancy
- IVF treatments

Vagisil ProHydrate Natural Feel Moisturizing Gel

What would be the best way to describe ProHydrate you ask? 

Think of it as an 'eye cream' for the vagina, providing fast-acting and long lasting relief, as the gel coats the vaginal wall and then slowly releases moisture over time. Formulated without estrogen, perfumes, dyes or preservatives, the key ingredient of this product is Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a naturally occurring hydrator found in the skin (and which I've previously talked about on the blog as it is commonly used in skincare)! This acid holds 1,000 times its own weight in water, making it feel like your own natural moisture. The level of HA in our skin decreases as we age, which explains why we experience more overall dryness as the years go by.

How do I use Vagisil ProHydrate?

One box comes with 8 single-use, individually wrapped pre-filled applicators that are discreet and easy to use. Simply grip the applicator by the tube and twist off the end after ensuring the product has moved down, and then insert into your vagina (you can also expel a bit of product to lubricate the tip to make insertion easier too). Then, squeeze firmly to deposit the gel, remove and discard the tube. What I like is that this product does not have to be used daily as it is effective for a period of 3 days by providing continuous comfort.

Vaginal dryness can really affect your quality of life and relationship with your partner, and using a vaginal lubricant such as Vagisil ProHydrate can make intimacy more comfortable. Other benefits include making sitting, standing, exercising and urinating less painful by relieving irritation, burning and soreness.

Vagisil Extra-Strength Anti-Itch Creme

Speaking of irritation, itchiness down there is also a not so fun one to deal with. It can happen for a variety of reasons, ranging from wearing underwear that is too tight, allergic reactions to detergents, wearing pads and pantyliners and the list goes on! Knowing that there is a quick fix is reassuring, and the Vagisil Extra-Strength Anti-Itch Creme* works to instantly relieve that burning itch, containing soothing vitamins A, D, E and one of my favourites, aloe vera. This product also deodorizes by keeping odour at bay - simply apply to the affected area, up to four times per day for a happier down there.

Vagisil pH Balance Feminine Wash

Lastly, I also want to talk about cleaning your lady parts, because yes we should all be mindful of keeping our vagina happy by combatting odour caused by discharge and perspiration. The Vagisil pH Balance Feminine Wash* works to cleanse this delicate area and keep you feeling fresh all day: I use it once daily in the shower. Using a product that is hypoallergenic and clinically proven to maintain a healthy pH level is the way to go, and this one offers just that!

I hope by shedding light on vaginal dryness and intimate health, this posts helps end the stigma that surrounds us women taking care of our intimate parts. As with any condition, do seek help from a medical professional who can address your concerns should you have any.

Have you tried or are looking into trying any of the Vagisil products?

*Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Vagisil and written in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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  1. My mom always used Vagisil, so it's a brand that I grew up trusting. Proper moisture and balance is important.

  2. Oh wow. I never realized that moisturizing was something that might need to be done down there. I actually didn't know that Vagisil was for anything other than medicating. Great info.

  3. Lol...gotta admit I blushed when I clicked through, not something many people discuss...but us ladies, we gotta talk about this stuff, am I right ;)

  4. I buy and use Vagisil products now. Now these particular ones yet, but I'm sure one day I'll be in need of them. I currently use and love their feminine wash wit odor control. It really comes in handy in the hot Florida weather.

  5. Women have a lot to deal with down there and it's not something we like to talk about even though we all deal with something. Vagisil has always been a brand that I trust but I didn't realize they had so many products!

  6. I love the Vagisil products and yes moisture is extremely important down there! The older I get the more I realize that, unfortunately. I still use Vagisil products and have for the last 25 years.

  7. What a great topic to touch upon that no one wants to talk about. Vagisil makes such high quality products. You can always count on their products to help you balance out even the worst of problems. It seems summer sand and surf does a number when you are in and out of a bathing suit, moisturizing is so important "down there" but often overlooked.

  8. I am so afraid of moisturizing products that may harm me. The ProHydrate actually sounds like it may work without the irritation (I'm very sensitive). I think I'll try it. Great cover!

  9. I really need a good moisturizer, and these look so quality.

  10. This is such a great brand. I know some people don't like to talk about this, but I always think it's important to be open! If you find something that helps, it's important to share. I know I've bought this!

  11. This is so informative. Sometimes we do not have any idea about this because we are too shy to talk about it. I am glad that there are products like this.

  12. I've never used any of these products, which is surprising to me considering I'm 25! I feel like I should...? Maybe I'll start! But I don't have any issues... so it's hard to tell which ones I would need

  13. These sounds like great products that help with moisturizing. Good to know more about them.

  14. Vaginal dryness is a literal pain for so many women. Vagisil ProHydrate Natural Feel Moisturizing Gel sounds like a great solution to the problem!

  15. These items become much more important later on in life. I found that out the hard way!

  16. Yes, this issue should be discussed openly. I wish I had heard about Vagisil when I suffered from vaginal dryness.

  17. I've never had to use this before. I actually wasn't sure how it worked. Glad to have this info!

  18. Moisturizing is vital for your entire body! Thank you for teaching us all!

  19. Ohh Wao!Its commendable you spoke so openly about Vagisil ProHydrate. I have not yet suffered with this issue..But I would love to pass on the information to the needy ones.

  20. It is really nice to know that there are products like this for when you need them.

  21. Wow I didn't realize Vagisil made anything like this. Fantastic information!

  22. This would be great to have when traveling. I would love to try this one out so I will check on it.

  23. It sounds so easy to use. I love that we have products like this to rely on for our concerns down there. Dryness is something that comes with the age.

  24. I have heard that Vagisil makes great feminine hygiene products!! Glad they are out there for if I need them!!

  25. I haven't seen these before! I don't use vagisil but might look into something like this for sure!

  26. Wow! I didn't even know that this thing existed! This is so cool for us girls.

  27. Vagisil is one of the best brands out there for women. I love that they have such a great line of products.

  28. I never heard of this brand by I agree that we have to take care of ourselves, each and every part of our body. I would like to read more about this product.

  29. Wow I must have been stuck in the Dark Ages as I didn't even realise this existed. What great products.

  30. This is the first time that I heard about this products and I'm sure I need this too

  31. I have never tried this brand yet because I have been using a certain brand for years. But I would love to give this brand a try. Sounds like a great brand.

  32. I never thought to try a product like this. I'm sure as I continue to get older it will be something to think about though!

  33. Oh i agree, vaginal dryness is a no no for me. I would freak out if that happens to me hahaha. It affects a relationship that is why it needs attention.

  34. I think its great that your sharing this post because this is a topic people don't really talk about. I would have never thought of this being something people need to do, but now I know and can share with others.

    -Sondra (Prettyfitfoodie)

  35. This is really an informative post for us women. I haven't tried this brand before but it sounds like something I want to try.

  36. That is great, I know a few friends who love using it just to feel balanced and clean

  37. I've never used these products before. Great information for women though! -aly m.

  38. At 35 this is not something I have dealt with. However with menopause being around the corner I have been thinking about how to deal with it when it does. This is some needed information!

  39. These Vagisil products are great for women. I have never used any of these products but would lov to try the Vagisil pH Balance Feminine Wash. Thanks for sharing the information.

  40. Vagisil, is one of those products that is just wonderful for helping you look after your intimate health. However, I've not heard of this particular product from them before so I will have to check it out.


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