Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

May 10, 2016

Wake Up Wednesday Linky #120

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" Party
@ Sew Crafty Angel


We are so excited to have so many amazing bloggers party with us.
Check out this week's featured linkups.

Thank you so much to all those who share your blog in our party. 

 Wake Up and be happy, get excited and have fun with us! 
We want to be inspired, entertained, laugh and have a good time!

Your link will appear on the blogs of
Please take time to visit your hostesses.

This week's 
Featured Bloggers

Easy Recipe for Waffle Pizza
Happy and Blessed Home
What does a mom do when her kids LOVE waffles? My kids will eat waffles in the morning and then ask to eat them again at lunch. Well, I love a good waffle every now and then, but a mama’s gotta get her kids to eat some variety!

Monster Cookies
O Taste and See Blog
So, these happened at our house last week…and AGAIN this week!  Go ahead and be jealous, then run to the kitchen and make yourself a batch of these Monster Cookies.
I’m not really sure why they are called “Monster Cookies”.  I think a more appropriate name would be “Everything but the Kitchen Sink” Cookies because that’s just about what goes into them.  My daughter who made them has officially deemed them her “Signature Cookie” and her “Pride and Joy”.

Raspberry and Blueberry Popsicles
Premeditated Leftovers
This raspberry and blueberry popsicles recipe is proof that kids will willingly consume fruit!
My kids love frozen fruit. I can freeze grapes or berries and then serve them while still froze to my kids and they will gobble them up. I am not sure what the makes frozen fruit more appealing than fresh fruit – maybe the texture? But I am not going challenge something that works. Instead I am going to capitalize on it!

4 Ways to Help a Mom Stay Sane!
Melly Moments
Mother’s Day is a week away and I KNOW that we are all thinking about the perfect gift for that very special mom in our life.  OR, you may be a husband who wants to show his wife how much he appreciates everything she does for the family.
Well, coming from one herself, let me tell you what moms really want/need to maintain our san

Name Above All Names--Unquenchable Love
Beth Willis Miller
Krista Hamrick’s beautiful original art print, Name Above All Names Alphabet, has so inspired me. Each of the 26 individual Names she has identified are so special, as Krista has intricately painted, almost like stained glass windows, each one with its Scripture reference.

Orange Cream Bread
Lou Lou Girls
Just the smell makes me happy inside because it brings so many great memories that flood my mind. It screams summer, Disneyland and spending time as a family. I know, it's pretty crazy that one smell can cause so many emotions but it's true! I know, I have been pushing Summer this week but I'm so excited!

Grillo Designs
Hi guys! Well I have a confession to make…. I’ve been secretly delaying this post for quite some time now. Firstly, because my son – in all his three year old wisdom, decided to delete most of my ‘progress pictures’ I had planned to use for this tutorial off my camera (a real bummer!).

Spray paint projects are quick and fun. When the weather is nice I grab a few items, set them up outside and start painting. I was trying to stage photos for the Radiant Orchid Chest of Drawers a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t find a darn thing that worked! The Radiant Orchid is a beautiful rich color and I spray painted the hardware white for a bold contrast

Framed Wall Spool Rack Upcycle
The Aim Six Fix
I am so excited to present today’s project with you.  This thread organizer is my submission in this month’s Power Tool Challenge.  The theme this month is REPURPOSE, and you may already know that is something I love to do.

 Wake Up Wednesday Linky
Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments -- anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.  Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends.
  • Please leave me a comment , I love to hear from you.
  • Please Link to your family friendly post 
  • I'd love for you to grab my party button for your blog party site but it's totally optional
  • Please No adult content blogs
  • Please do not add links to shops or selling websites (they will be deleted from the party)
  • Giveaways are always welcome.. Add your giveaways to Sew Crafty Angel's Pinterest Community Giveaway Board too.  
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Sew Crafty Angel permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts. Note - All features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts will be linked back to the original source. Social media features are linked back to the linky party.

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  1. Dropping off my Cucumber Salad. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Those popsicles look like such a great idea!

  3. Sharing my Asparagus Lasagna Roll-ups this week! Thanks for a great party!

  4. Is it the middle of the week already? Great party!

  5. Amazing – love checking in here to glean ideas. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Checking in and posting my Bridal Info-Graphic. Thanks for hosting!

  7. So many great ideas. Thanks for hosting.

  8. Hello beautiful! I love stopping by your party each week. Thank you for featuring us! Please take a moment to stop by our party that goes until Friday at 7 pm. We pin and tweet everything! Have a beautiful day! Lou Lou Girls


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