Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

January 18, 2016

VIIcode T2 Oxygen Eye Cream | Review

If there is one thing I have learned when it comes to skincare, it is that it is never too early to be diligent with your skin routine. Like many, I was not very fussed about using lotions or creams as a teenager. However, as soon as I hit my second decade of life, I had that dreaded wake-up call that from here on out I would only be getting older. That is when I made a personal commitment to take better care of my skin, not only to treat my acne, but also to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I now use moisturizers daily and I have also been better about incorporating eye creams into my routine. One I have been especially enjoying is the T2 Oxygen Eye Cream* by VIIcode, a royal brand which dates back to the 18th century. The creator, Byrne Victor, is believed to have supplied Queen Josephine, wife of Napoleon, with her own custom skin care. The 'secret' to ageless skin would have been passed on from generation to generation, which brings us to VIIcode's present-day line, now available on the mass market for all to use.

Eye Cream VIIcode

The T2 Oxygen Eye Cream is a luxurious eye cream that the brand has come out with. It comes with a crescent-shaped activation strip, meant to act as a massage tool to get rid of dead skin prior to application to allow for better nutrient absorption. VIIcode uses an "exclusive 'T2' stone mortar extraction process" which facilitates the healing and regeneration of damaged skin cells near the eyes by both protecting this delicate area of the face, but also by fading away the first visible signs of aging, better known as those dreaded wrinkles and fine lines. This eye cream is also said to act as a barrier from external pollution, UV and electron radiation. Furthermore, it repairs damaged cells to restore energy and reveal more vibrant skin.

I've been using the T2 Oxygen Eye Cream both morning and night and can vouch for it providing me with smooth and glowing skin. I like that it is lightweight and sinks in really quickly. Some of the standout ingredients include shea butter, algae extract, white and green tea, Vitamin A, C and E, grape seed and aloe leaf extract. I have noticed that it helps my eye makeup and concealer last longer without creasing. For best results, VIIcode recommends using this cream along with their O2M Oxygen Eye Mask.

The VIIcode T2 Oxygen Eye Cream retails for $199 and can be purchased on Amazon.

Do you include an eye cream in your daily routine?

*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. Product was provided and reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy. Affiliate links provided.


  1. Wow that's a pricy eye cream! Glad to hear it's working well for you.

  2. I LOVE this brand! I have used their eye patches before and was such a fan, definitely interested in trying this out too!


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