Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

December 22, 2015

Wake Up Wednesday Linky #100

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" Party
@ Sew Crafty Angel


We are so excited to have so many amazing bloggers party with us.
Check out this weeks Featured linkups.

Thank you so much to all those who share your blog in our party.
Last week we had  468 awesome linkups!   

 Wake Up and be happy, get excited and have fun with us! 
We want to be inspired, entertained, laugh and have a good time!
Your link will appear on the blogs of

Please take time to visit your hostesses.













This week's 
Featured Bloggers

I know you are crazy busy right now, so I am going to get right to it.
4 ingredients. Mix, freeze and serve straight from the freezer to your holiday table.
Christmas morning...yes!
New Year's Day brunch...yes!

If you will be having overnight guests during the holiday season, you may want to consider this blueberry French toast recipe for breakfast. Perfect for any holiday brunch, it’s filled with fresh blueberries and topped with rich berry sauce. You can also choose to serve the blueberry sauce on the side. If strawberry is your preference, tweak the recipe to make it yours!

No holiday party is complete without a selection of drinks to keep your guests happy, but sometimes it’s hard to find a good balance between overly-fruity (some might say “girly”) cocktails and, well, beer. But if you want something that’s fancy enough for a party but not too sweet – and not too expensive that you’d rather suffer through an endless amount of cheap, watery beer in the name of surviving an encounter with your in-laws – then you should probably give this Mr. Cranberry Cocktail a try. Just make sure you call him “mister”…he gets annoyed when you don’t.

Welcome to another edition of the Corner News.  Christmas is just around the corner and finals are upon us.  Hooray…
But on a happier note, I got myself an early Christmas present.  Even though I won’t be able to actually bring it home for a little while, it is still very exciting.

I start almost every piece on the potter’s wheel where I throw every single one of my base forms. I then alter each piece by hand and add the individual sculptural details that make each piece a unique original piece of art. The piece is then dried and bisque fired in my own oven. Jason swoops in and tag teams glazing for me which is brushed on like a paint and come out in an array of textures and colors, different each time. The piece is then loaded up into the kiln for one more super toasty glaze firing and Voila!"

Pancake Warriors
The only thing better than butternut squash soup, is butternut squash soup with goat cheese croutons. I dare you to try this soup and goat cheese crouton combo and not be hooked! It’s gluten free and easy to make. The butternut squash soup is made in the slow cooker, and the goat cheese croutons only take about 15 minuts tops. That means you can still have dinner on the table in under 20 minutes with some strategic planning!

Sometimes the easiest decorating projects come from things you already have around the house. These terrariums are an easy way to bring Christmas into your house without spending a lot of money...

one of my favorite Christmas treats – Snowball Cookies! You can’t really go wrong with these delicate melt-in-your-mouth morsels of sweet deliciousness! A couple years ago, I shared a recipe for a gluten free version made with almond flour, and they are amazing. But these ones are awesome, as well, and you don’t have to buy any special ingredients (almond flour is expensive!).

I really thought that this cold winter would be really hard on me (I recently moved from Las Vegas to Northern Utah). It kind of has, but the cold is VERY inspirational! I have needed to take extra measures to stay warm, and arm warmers were a cozy and cute way. I really like how these turned out, and they are pretty simple to make, too.

The original hardware Christmas tree was a big hit. I’m always a little leery about trying to re-create a project. The re-creation is never as good as the original. What do you guys think of the new tree? How does it compare to the original?

Surprise them with these sweet, moist, decadent Chocolate Cashew Butter filled Cinnamon Buns. They’ll thank you later!

 Wake Up Wednesday Linky

Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments -- anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.  Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..
  • Please leave me a comment , I love to hear from you.
  • Please Link to your family friendly post 
  • I'd love for you to grab my party button for your blog party site but it's totally optional
  • Please No adult content blogs
  • Please do not add links to shops or selling websites (they will be deleted from the party)
  • Giveaways are always welcome.. Add your giveaways to Sew Crafty Angel's Pinterest Community Giveaway Board too.  
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Sew Crafty Angel permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts.  Note- All features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts will be linked back to the original source .Social media features are linked back to the linky party.



  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Christmas Terrarium post this week!

  2. What a great surprise to see my cranberry cocktail feature this week. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for hosting! Merry Christmas!

  4. Sharing my coconut truffles with your party this week. Thank you!

  5. Love spending time with your party every week. Thank you for hosting!

  6. Those snowball cookies you featured remind me of the cookies my mom used to make with us when we were little! Thank you for sharing them and for hosting another party this week.

  7. Hope all you ladies have a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy!

  8. Everything looks beautiful this always. Thank you for hosting. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  9. Thanks for featuring Stagetecture's overnight blueberry french toast recipe! So many great ideas for the holidays. Thanks for having me :)

  10. Hello fabulous! Thank you for such an amazing party! I know this is a busy week but please take a moment to stop by our party that goes until Christmas @7. Let us pin and tweet all those creations that you worked so hard on! Happy Holidays! Lou Lou Girls


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