Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

June 16, 2015

Wake Up Wednesday Linky #73 + Giveaway!

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" Party
@ Sew Crafty Angel


We are so excited to have so many amazing bloggers party with us.
Check out this weeks Featured linkups.

Thank you so much to all those who share your blog in our party.
Last week we had  445 awesome linkups!   

 Wake Up and be happy, get excited and have fun with us! 
We want to be inspired, entertained, laugh and have a good time!

(after you add your link to the party come on back and click below to enter our contest)

Your link will appear on the blogs of

Please take time to visit your hostesses.





















This week's 
Featured Bloggers

My Life In Progress
Every single one of us that has ever lived has harmed someone, somewhere at some point in our lives.  Either we spoke to harshly towards someone or perhaps we told a lie thinking they wouldn’t know or maybe we forgot to do something that was important to someone else.

The Pub Burger
A Sprinkle of This and That
The Pub Burger?  A simple sea salt and pepper seasoned burger topped with your lettuce and tomato.  But then there are caramelized Vidalya onions and a sauce that is so smoky good!  Unbelievable!

Cincy Shopper
If you are needing a quick and easy breakfast or dessert idea, these Easy Cinnamon Sticks will be perfect. In just a few minutes time, you can be enjoying these sticks of yumminess all topped with a sweet icing.

Battling Our Fears
Grammie Time
The grandchildren and I visited the zoo. There was so much to see, explore and experience. Eli is three years old and his curiosity is in full swing. Hannah is almost two and she is fearless, exploring everything around her. So you can imagine how my senses were on full alert trying to keep them out of harm's way and still have fun.

All She Cooks
Think perfect chocolate dipped strawberries.  Chocolate drizzled strawberries. It’s all about how to make a delicious dessert with a simple sauce.  Chocolate sauce mind you. There’s now way around it.  These are fun treats to make with kids.  Or without.  Just saying–I could eat these all day every day, with my kids or alone.   And not even feel guilty.

Patriotic Paper Craft
This Mama Loves
These paper crafts are perfect for your next patriotic event! Add them to food on your table. Toss them in a centerpiece or plant or enjoy them by themselves in a cute mason jar! I love using hot glue with paper because there is very little dry time.

A Bird House Wreath
The Messy Roost

When did summer get here?  I really can't complain, living in Arizona, we haven't had too many warm (hot) days.  I can't say the "H" word, because, we all know how warm it really gets - ha ha.  Anyway, I have had this wreath idea in my head for at least a year, maybe two.  I really did have a different picture in my head, but, I like it.

Turtle Tote from Jeans
Creating my way to Success
This is my latest clothes upcycle for the school carnival stall later this year.

Almond Vanilla Body Butter
Body Butter is a product I use every single day, especially during winter and summer. There is nothing more amazing for your skin, than a luxurious body butter that leaves your skin looking smoother than ever. Body Butter can be very expensive, and finding a scent you want to linger on your skin all day isn’t always easy.

 a.k.a the easiest raw vegan Chocolate pudding!
Becoming Alice
"Now what the heck is Chocomole?", you might be wondering. "Is it really guacamole but with chocolate?!"

My Picnic Party on the Deck Cart
Crafts a la Mode
This little project was so much fun and I got to use one of my many pieces of junk picked up from the side of the road. SCORE!

The TRUTH Behind Perfect Facebook Posts…
~Taylor-Made Homestead~
Recently I was trying to decide what flavor endless soup I wanted to make for our weeks’ worth of bone-warming lunches during this cold weather.  I decided against the Mexican or Italian flavored that I usually go for and opted instead to make a good hearty stew-styled soup.  It was delicious, and I wanted to share with our followers.

Oven Roasted Cabbage Steaks
Made in a Day
Cabbage is one of my favorite veggies to eat. And since I am still on my low-carb diet this side dish Oven Roasted Cabbage Steaks is delicious way to to enjoy your veggies and stay on track! I usually saute cabbage chunks in a little oil with salt and pepper. Add water and steam until tender. But this oven roasted version is so much easier and tastier.

Evidence How Foods Affect Children’s Behavior
Deep Roots at Home
How foods affect children’s behavior has been heavy on my mind as I’ve watched Mamas struggle with increasingly belligerent and aggressive kids. This topic is just too important to ignore.

American Flag Pallet Project
Diva of DIY
As some of you know any project for me that involves a pallet is a favorite of mine. This American Flag Pallet Project is so easy and has become one of my favorite since last year!

Mixed Media Patriotic Art
The CSI Project
Mixed Media is fun and creative. Stretch your creative muscles and just explore what you can do. This project started out one way and by the end, it was just what I wanted.

10 Writing Tips to Improve Your Blog
Budget Girl
When I was a kid, I hated English class. Though I was good at it–it was just one of those things that came so easily. But it bored me to tears. (So it makes sense that I went on to get a BA in English, right? 😛 )

Some people have a harder time understanding English. I have a cousin who excels at math but can’t write a coherent sentence to save his life. Which is fine, because he doesn’t work in a field that requires writing skills.

Sangria Ice
Upstate Ramblings
This cool and refreshing Sangria Ice is a perfect summer treat for grown ups!

 Wake Up Wednesday Linky

Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments -- anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.  Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..
  • Please leave me a comment , I love to hear from you.
  • Please Link to your family friendly post 
  • I'd love for you to grab my party button for your blog party site but it's totally optional
  • Please No adult content blogs
  • Please do not add links to shops or selling websites (they will be deleted from the party)
  • Giveaways are always welcome.. Add your giveaways to Sew Crafty Angel's Pinterest Community Giveaway Board too.  
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Sew Crafty Angel permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts.  Note- All features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts will be linked back to the original source .Social media features are linked back to the linky party.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! Dropping off my recipe for No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake.

    1. Oops! Forgot to thank you for featuring my cinnamon sticks! What a nice surprise!

  2. Love stopping by your party every week. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Thank you for shring so lovely posts and blogs!

  4. Thanks for the feature!!! Best wishes, Linda


I love getting feedback and suggestions from my readers! I do my best to answer all questions, so do not hesitate to ask. Make sure to check the box "Notify me" in the comments section below to get notified when I respond, or you can also DM me @natalielovesbeauty!

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