Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

May 30, 2015

What I've Learned After 3 Years of Blogging + Clarisonic Mia 2 Giveaway!

It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I started my blog three years ago today! I still remember hitting publish for the first time and my heart beating out of my chest because of how both nervous and excited I was. That same feeling resurfaced when I uploaded my first video on my YouTube channel after debating starting one for the longest time. So, to celebrate my three years in the blogging world and my one year of making videos, I thought I would share what blogging has taught me with tips and lessons learned along the way. I also wanted to thank you for following me on my journey, so stick around until the end for a chance to win this limited edition Clarisonic Mia 2!

Blogging Tips and Lessons Learned

1) Go at your own pace
Starting something new and stepping out of your comfort zone is no easy task, especially if you are a creature of habit like me. Testing out the waters and getting a feel for your new hobby can take some time. It took me a few months to find what worked best for me with regard to what I enjoy writing about, my writing style and how often I want to post. Don't be too hard on yourself at the beginning, it will all come together eventually! Which brings me to my next point:

2) Consistency is key
I aim to put two or three new posts up each week, and looking back, I think I've been pretty consistent about it. That is the secret: find what works for you, and stick with it! Of course there are weeks when I am not as active on the web because life gets in the way or I find myself in a bit of a rut as to what I should write about next, and that's okay. Take a break to find your groove if that's what it takes and you will come back motivated and inspired.

3) Don't compare yourself to others
"Comparison is the thief of joy"... so true! We have to remember that we all start somewhere, don't we? This reminder has helped me so much on my journey. With time and effort, people will see the value of what you have to say and will want to stick around. The right opportunities will come to you, trust me!

4) Participate in link ups
I cannot even begin to explain how wonderful these are! Link ups are a great way for your blog to get more exposure all while finding new blogs to follow. I have joined a bunch of link ups over the years and I can say from experience that they are one of the best ways to attract new readers to your blog. For the last year or so, I have also been co-hosting the Wake Up Wednesday Linky which goes live every week on Wednesdays -  I invite you to join us each week here!

5) Join blogging networks
Best way to find a group of like-minded people who share common interests? Blogging networks of course! I have come across and joined quite a few over the years, and with a bit of research you will find one that appeals to you. The Canadian Beauty Bloggers Network is my favourite by far. It is run by a wonderful group of ladies and everyone in the group is so helpful and resourceful.

6) Be active on social media
Truth is, the only reason I am on social media is for my blog. When I first started using Instagram and Pinterest I was beyond confused but thankfully got the hang of it pretty quick. I had no idea how helpful setting up accounts and being active on social media could be to drive new visitors to my blog and provide a friendly reminder to my current readers that a new post just went up. At first it might seem like a hassle, but stick with it and you will see how well it works!

7) Accept that not everyone will like you
This one can be hard to swallow, but really it's just a fact of life! I used to be so scared of what others would think of me, and I can honestly say starting this online adventure has helped me get past that! Negativity is unavoidable in whatever you do (even from yourself!) - you just have to learn to take it lightly and not let it bring you down. Those who believe in you will stick around and show their support!

8) Be proud of your blog and what you have achieved
There is something about blogging I feel many of us have in common - we're kind of shy to talk about it to others, especially friends and family. A blog is very personal and I initially feared being judged. I realized it is something I should be proud of because I really do enjoy it. It took me a lot of courage to approach others with the news, but after letting the cat out of the bag, I wish I had done it sooner! Everyone has been so supportive, and it makes for a great conversation when people want to learn more about it.

Whether you are a seasoned blogger or looking to start, I hope these tips and reminders were helpful!
If you have any tips, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

Now for the part you've been waiting for! I am so excited for this giveaway because I have been saving the prize for this special occasion. Some of you may remember that I was a candidate in the Made in Blog Awards last year. At the time, I shared how you could win a Clarisonic Mia 2 device just for participating in the voting process here. Lo and behold I was lucky enough to win one as nominees were in for a separate draw! I already have the original Mia (which I reviewed way back here) and it is still going strong. Of course, I couldn't resist giving this new one away to one of my readers to say THANK YOU for your support!

This giveaway is open internationally.
Please use the box below to submit your entries.

To enter, you must:
1. Follow my blog on Bloglovin'
2. Be a subscriber on YouTube
3. Leave your email address so I can contact you if you win

The first three entries are mandatory.
The more entries you complete, the higher your chance of winning.
For full terms and conditions, see the box below.

Good luck!


  1. Awww, that is so sweet of you to save the Mia 2 to give away! I also have the original Mia which is still working so I won't enter to take that chance from someone else, but congratulations Natalie on 3 years! I'm closing in on 3.5 and it's amazing how things have changed and how much you learn over the years. I'm so glad you love being a part of the CBB because we love having you and your contribution to the network! xoxo

  2. I have not used Clarisonic, but it would be very interesting)

  3. I have never used one, but i think the pulse timer is a nice feature

  4. I have never used the clarisonic but I would love to try it as I would love for it to clear my skin up!

    Gemma xx

  5. I have never used one but I like that the 2 speeds means that Speed 1 is delicate enough for even very sensitive skin conditions.

  6. I love how much my pores are cleared when using the Clarisonic

  7. I love the fact that it deep cleanses :) Hope to win! :)

  8. I have not used Clarisonic, but I read many reviews and really want to try! Thanks for the chance! <3

  9. Heyy :) .. Congrats on this achievement !! .. I'm a huge fan of u from Singapore .. I love all ur videos and follow u on all social media .. I have followed all rules and my email id is I really hope I win this Clarisonic Mia 2 as I really needed it for my skin .. I'm currently studying in uni here and if I win it will save me a lot of money.. Also my 19th bday is coming up so it will be really special to win a gift from u :) .. Love u so much <3

  10. Never used used Clarisonic but all reviews I've read say that good! :-)
    thanks for this lovely giveaway ♥

  11. I like that the Clarisonic will get my skin exceptionally clean and gently exfoliate at the same time.

  12. I have never used the clarisonic but I would love to deep cleaning my skin.

  13. Would really enjoy a deep cleansing ~ have never had the opportunity to try a Clarisonic, but sure would like to.

  14. I love that it has interchangeable brush heads for different skin types and requirements.

    (Rosie A)

  15. I have never used Clarisonic but I know that it cleans and gently exfoliates skin.
    Would love to try it!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I haven't tried the Clarisonic, but a few of my friends have been after me to try it. They swear by it!

  17. I have never used the clarisonic and i want so bad to win it!
    thanks and congrats!

  18. I haven't tried the Clarisonic, but I've always wanted to because of the great reviews I've read about it! Looks like a perfect deep cleansing skin product.

  19. I love the deep cleaning that the Clarisonic offers!

  20. I like that it has Interchangeable Facial Brush Heads.

  21. I have never used Clarisonic but I need deep cleansing that it offers))

  22. Its deep cleansing really makes me interested :)

  23. I have been saving for this my entire life, it would be a dream come true to win it ! I need a deep cleansing for my oily face, and this baby is what i need ! Thanks for the chance !

  24. I want the clarisonic because i have oily and acne prone skin... I think the clarisonic will help my skin look better, and clean it deep inside the pores. I really need such a thing because my skin is very very difficult to clean

  25. Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging!
    hank you for this amazing giveaway!
    Entered with pleasure.
    I have never had the chance to test the CLARISONIC but I cross my fingers hoping that the chance will give me this opportunity.
    Wis you a fabulous continuation!

  26. Congrats!! I love Clarisonic deep cleansing!!

  27. never tried it, but i've heard amazing things about it!

  28. Happy blogiversary!!
    I love the Mia because you can change the heads for various skin types & levels of cleaning!!
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  29. I love the one minute pulsing timer, the two speeds, and that is does a deep cleanse to make skin healthy and nurished.

  30. I love the deep cleaning that the Clarisonic offers.

  31. I love this! this is the brush of all brushes...

    I really want one, never had one and I hope I win!! xoxoxo

  32. Hello & Congratlations! I love that it would clean my face so thoroughly. Also that it rotates and there are different brushes to use. So awesome!

  33. Congrats on 3 years! I would love this! Thank you for the chance!

    crossing my fingers!

  34. I have never used one, but i think the pulse timer is a nice feature . Congrats on 3 years!

  35. Congrats on three years! Your tips are so good. Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. I have never tried Clarisonic, but I love that it exfoliates.

  37. Happy blogversary Nathalie! That's really generous of you to giveaway such a great gift. I haven't tried the clarisonic but I'd love to try it because I heard so much about it

  38. I like that it is a gentle exfoliator and it's one of the best skincare tools out there. ps Happy blogversary! xx

  39. OMG, never tried Clarisonic. Luve the pulse timer feature. Divine. Wow, prize Clarisonic is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. :) Pick me, pick me!

  40. I like that it has the T-Timer so I evenly clean all parts of my face more effectively with more time spent on the areas that need it and less time on more sensitive area.

  41. I have never tried Clarisonic, or any other facial brush, but I have always wanted to :D
    Great contest, congrats on 3 years :)

  42. I never tried any of their products yet but it looks like it'll be good for oily skin and sensitive skin so i'm sure it'll be useful :)

  43. Happy Blogiversary! I've always wanted a Clarisonic so I can keep my skin cleaner!

  44. I like that the Clarisonic helps you get off all your makeup gently.

  45. Congrats on 3 years!

    I love that the Clarisonic has a timer, so you don't overdo it!

  46. I like this tool because it helps to get more deep cleaning for the skin

  47. I like that it removes impurities and cleans so well. I also like the timer feature to know when to move on. Thank you so much for this giveaway and congratulations on your blogiversary.

  48. I have wish to try it,i have read so many beautiful things about it...

  49. I like what I am hearing about the Clarisonic. I actually have never tried one, but from reviews and a friend who has one, I am hearing great things. I so want one!

  50. I love that Clarisonic has so many great reviews!! I base my purchases usually off of how well something is reviewed, so I really do have high hopes for this little tool!

  51. I have never actually tried a clairsonic product so I can't really say what I like about it. But I have read positive reviews and would love to try it

  52. I have a cheap version of Clarisonic, but I'm not satisfied - I believe Clarisonic has a price for a good good reason and I would looooove to have it to help my awfull skin...

  53. I have never used any Clarisonic products but I would love to experience the deep cleansing they offer.

  54. I haven't used one yet, I do love that it comes with a two year warranty.

  55. i love the innovative way it clenses the skin, congrats on 3 years , thnx

  56. I have never tried it yet but I would love to check this out to lighten my wrinkles as I am already 38 years old.

  57. Soft Brush and Deep Cleansing is what I love. Nice blog post too, good tips!

  58. Congratulations and to many more years of beauty blogging! you are wonderful and are doing an amazing job! I love your youtube channel and your blog is so beautiful and wonderfuL! Congratulations and keep going! :D something happened with my computer and I don't know if I just left you a hundred comments. lol sorry . I've heard so many wonderful things about the Clarisonic! Deep cleaning and helping my skin is so important to me. Really fantastic giveaway!

  59. I've been dying to try the Clarisonic, but it's a little (juuust a little) out of my price range as a student. Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog and congrats on the three years :)

  60. Oops, forgot to mention why I'd like to try the Clarisonic. I have combination skin that's difficult to manage, and the deep cleaning and exfoliation is much needed, with acne and dryness (how is that even possible?) on the T-zone.

  61. Nunca he utilizado el cepillo claursonic, pero he oido cosas muy buenas sobre el

  62. I have not used Clarisonic and I want to try it. Thanks for the chance!

  63. I like that the Clarisonic really cleans your skin.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. What is the website GFC/

  67. What is the website GFC

  68. I've never tried Clarisonic, but I have heard many good reviews about it.

  69. I like the fact that it cleans the skin gently.

  70. I have never used Clarisonic but I heard a lot about it.

  71. I have not used one before but I have been reading up on different types because I would like to get one. There are a lot out there and it is hard to choose. I just really want it for the cleansing aspect.

  72. Happy blogiversary!! So exciting! :)
    I love that the Clarisonic offers a much deeper clean compared to just using your hands!

  73. How it removes all makeup from pores, and thoroughly cleanses skin!

  74. I'm love about Clarisonic because it seems clean my face very well so I won't get breakouts again. Thank for the giveaway :)

  75. I think it so nice that you are doing this you are a better person than I am. I hope i win this because i have eczema and acne so it will really help clear it away.

  76. I'd like to try the Clarisonic because I've heard it gives you a much cleaner feeling.

  77. I haven't used it yet, but from what I've heard it really does work and is easy to use.
    (Rafflecopter name is Kimberly).

  78. Congratulations on your 3rd year Natalie!!!! :) Thank you again or this wonderful giveaway, I never try Clarisonic before but I heard so many great review on this face cleansing tool :) Thank you for sharing all your blogging tips with us, they are all wonderful tips :)

  79. Heyy :) .. Congrats on this achievement !! .. I'm a huge fan of u from Singapore .. I love all ur videos and follow u on all social media .. I have followed all rules and my email id is I really hope I win this Clarisonic Mia 2 as I really needed it for my skin .. I'm currently studying in uni here and if I win it will save me a lot of money.. Also my 19th bday is coming up so it will be really special to win a gift from u :) .. Love u so much <3

  80. I like that it sounds like it is gentle on the skin but still effective!

  81. I have heard such great things about Clarisonic! I would love to try one!

  82. I have not tried this product before would love to try it

  83. I've never tried clarisonic but I;m in desperate need of good cleansing tool for my skin! I've heard good reviews about mia 2 and I'm so excited to try!

  84. I've never tried Clarisonic before so I'd love to try it. I've heard soo many good reviews about it!

  85. I have not used Clarisonic, but I read many great reviews about it.

  86. I have a face brush from Olay that's very similar to a Clarisonic and I love how it buffs away dry patches and flakes on my skin, and I'm sure the Clarisonic can do even better!

  87. I have never gad the pleasure of using it but I would love to try it for cleansing my skin. Congratulations on your 3 years blogging and thanks for the giveaway!

  88. I have never used it but I would like to try how it works in my skin ;)

  89. I have not used Clarisonic, yet.

  90. I like Clarisonic's ability to better clean the skin.

  91. Deep cleansing is something I badly need! :) I have never Clarisonic and I want to try! :)

  92. I haven't used it before but it gets great reviews!

  93. I haven't tried it, but I guess it would be a great improvement to my diary routine :)

  94. I have never used one but I have heard great things about it. I heard it is gently does great with exfoliating.

  95. This would be a gift for my wife since she has been wanting something like this. She suffers from acne and is hoping something like this will help.

  96. This post is worthy of appreciation, looking forward to more exciting!


I love getting feedback and suggestions from my readers! I do my best to answer all questions, so do not hesitate to ask. Make sure to check the box "Notify me" in the comments section below to get notified when I respond, or you can also DM me @natalielovesbeauty!

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