Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

September 5, 2014

The Bathory Personalized Organic Bath Soak | Review

I am not much of a bath person - actually, I can't even tell you the last time I had one. It seems like the more I age, the less I bathe! Gone are the days of me playing with my rubber duck and of having embarrassing photos taken of me during my little bubble party. A shower for me is just more convenient these days. Adulthood often rhymes with stress and just trying to keep up, but I've recently come to realize how switching things up with a bath every so often can do wonders for my body. I recently got to try The Bathory's Bath Soak* which offers customized natural soaks where you get to pick what kind of salt mix and essentials oils you would like in your personalized blend (pretty cool, right?)

The selection process is very straightforward: first you pick what kind of bath salts you want, either Bask, Soothe, or Detox. I decided on Detox since it contains Epson salts (from magnesium and sulfate minerals) and also clay which we all know is great for removing impurities form deep within the skin. Next you choose 3 essential oils to soothe the mind, and they even give you suggestions depending on how you want to feel. I decided on three I knew I would like since some of my favourite perfumes and lotions contain them, namely bergamot, lavender and sandalwood, and they are very good at relaxing as the site suggests. My muscles definitely felt very soothed after my bath, and what is also great is that these salts also boost serotonin (the happy hormones!)

The bath soak is hand-blended in the UK and contains only natural ingredients which also means no preservatives are used. The mix comes in a pretty violet recyclable glass jar which keeps the essential oils in their natural state, and although you can use its entirety in one bath, you can also just use a quarter or half to get more baths out of it while still achieving a relaxed state of body and mind. I decided to use a quarter each time to save some for future baths. Natural products are the best, and I certainly can tell that this soak is made of the purest ingredients just by the way it smells and how it makes my skin feel.

Interested in trying The Bathory for yourself? The Bath Soak can be purchased online ($30 or £18, 200g) and they also offer a flat $5 worldwide shipping fee.

Are you a bather? If so, what do you prefer using for relaxation?

*Disclaimer: Product was provided and reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.


  1. This is such a cool idea! I don't currently have a tub, just a shower. But I absolutely love baths and would take them all the time if I had a tub!

  2. I wonder if I could get this shipped to the US? I'd like to try that. I want to find something like this but it has to be made for sensitive skin. I can't even look at some detergents because i'll break out in hives.

    1. They do ship to the US! Since it's all natural I think it could work for you :)

  3. this sounds lovely! I love a good bath now and then and always want to have bath soak or salts on hand for it. love that these are so personalized

  4. This sounds like a great idea, essential oils and salts would make skin feel so soft. I am not much of a bath person you I can't remember the last time I had a bath but I have an issued with them. I always have to take a shower after I take a bath because washing and then sitting in the water seems unsanitary to me lol! I do however think taking a soak is great for your muscles and really softens up the skin.

  5. this is such a cool idea, i think i saw miss budget beauty talk about them too.

  6. This is really cool! I would love personalized bath salts!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. Looks like a awesome bath salt to relax and ease away all the stresses of the day, i love that it is organic and from the UK, great to try products made out of the US.

  8. Never tested before!
    Thnk you for this nice review!
    Enoyed reading.


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