Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

March 18, 2014

Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party #8 + Ad Space GIVEAWAY!

Welcome to the 8th week of 

 Wake Up Wednesday "Linky" 

11 Blogs  -  1 Party

We are so excited to have you all party with us.
Thank you so much to all those who participate in our party.
Last week we had 256 awesome linkups!   

 Wake Up and be happy, get excited and have fun with us! 
We want to be inspired, entertained, laugh and have a good time!
 The hop is hosted and posted on 11 different blogs

Interested in Co-Hosting Wake Up Wednesday?
Fill out this form and Angel will be in touch with you?

This week's 
Featured Bloggers
(click to see All Featured Bloggers)
All Featured Bloggers will be pinned each week. 

Whilst I was glancing at my donut recipe page (I was going to write ‘browsing’, but when there are only three recipes, can you really call it that?) I noticed that all my donuts were healthy, skinny or light. So I decided to go in the complete opposite direction and create an indulgent chocolate fudge cake-like donut, smothered in a chocolate glaze and topped with mint M&Ms. Sound good? I certainly thought so!

We've had this fabric for several was dwelling peacefully in the ever-growing fabric stash, but I finally decided to uproot it and make it into something beautiful. I realllllyyyy wanted it to look retro, so I searched and searched (and searched) on Pinterest, and gleaned a few ideas from my Apron board.

This ten­der, fla­vor­ful, won­der­ful bread is so quick to make up and does not use yeast; 
the secret is in the but­ter­milk.

   Irish Soda Bread is tra­di­tion­ally served with Corned Beef, how­ever, it’s so easy you 
can serve this any­time and it makes excel­lent toast.

Winters that are cold, full of smog/pollution, and maybe a tad bit dreary ,
this a great way to clear out the skin.
Summers can clog our skin with sunscreens, repellents and sweat,
this is a great way to clear out the skin.
A GREAT solu­tion for any time of the year is a facial scrub with ingre­di­ents read­ily avail­able,  
and this is so easy and quick to put together.
Try this once a week or so before bed.  That way, after rins­ing it off, it can con­tinue to 
replen­ish the mois­ture that van­ishes due to stress, the envi­ron­ment, make up – life.

st. patrick's day rainbow cloud & clover macarons
from hooplapalooza
i used this recipe as i have done so in the past knowing full well one should not be multi-tasking when you make macarons like when i made it here and here.
i mean these guys are high maintenance that require your fullest attention!
that is, if you want them to turn out right.

January ushers in a year of optimism and hope for me each year.  In Chinese culture, the year is designated by an animal that gives the year a theme of sorts.  I also like thinking of the year before me as a great block of time to be determined by a theme.  For example, last year I decided my plan would be to plan less and experience more.  I love having a plan, but I realized my borderline obsessive need to have a plan all of the time was hindering me from fully enjoying my own life.  This theme worked wonders for my life last year!  I know that the year is quickly slipping away as spring is coming, but it’s not too late to make this year count.

10 Things I learned from our adoption
from Growing in God's Grace
Thought I would share some things that I learned through adoption.  Although I will probably think of more as time goes on, these are pretty high on the list for me!
I have learned that God is in control of every circumstance in my life.  It has had nothing to do with my sacrifice of time, money, hearts, or tears.  It is all about Him.

White Chocolate Cupcakes with a Raspberry Buttercream 
Frosting from Lou Lou Girls
Raspberry Buttercream:
1 stick and 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
10-15 fresh raspberries (to taste)
3 cups of powdered sugar
You can enter our Rafflecopter to Win Ad Space on 
all these awesome blogs!

Remember to Follow Your Hostesses - the first 11 links.        
Your link will appear on the blogs of:

         Heidi's Wanderings    
11 times the opportunity to make new bloggy friends and to share your wonderful blog and discover others too.

Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments -- anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.

Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..

Please leave me a comment, I love to hear from you.

Please Link to your post and not to your blog home page

I'd love for you to grab my party button for your blog party site but it's totally optional

Please No adult content blogs
Please do not add links to shops or selling websites (they will be deleted from the party)
Giveaways are always welcome. Add your giveaways to Sew Crafty Angel's Pinterest Community Giveaway Board too.  

Adding your link to this blog hop gives Sew Crafty Angel permission to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts. Note - All features on Sew Crafty Angel And Co-Hosts will be linked back to the original source. Social media features are linked back to the linky party.


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