Montreal-Based Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

August 20, 2013

Dry Body Brushing: Technique and Benefits for the Skin

You may be wondering what "dry body brushing" is all about, as I myself had no idea until I read about it on Annie Jaffrey's blog a couple of months ago. What is wonderful about this technique is that you only need one thing, and that is a dry body brush. I snatched mine up from The Body Shop, called the Round Bath Brush, for $12. A well-invested $12, I must add!

Ok, now down to what dry body brushing is all about! It has become more popular in the last few years and is one of the modelling industry's well-kept secrets for maintaining beautiful skin. It literally involves brushing your skin when dry to get rid of dead skin cells by using big circular motions. It's that simple. By increasing blood circulation through the stimulation of the skin, it helps eliminate toxins that have built up on the surface to reveal a new layer of glowing, smooth skin. It is also said to help fade stretch marks and diminish cellulite, now who doesn't want that?

It is also important to not simply use a regular shower brush with white bristles, but nylon bristles that will really give you the desired effect, such as THIS ONE by the Body Shop. The technique is as follows: brush your skin, always going towards the heart. I start from my legs and move my way up. When doing my back however, I do long stokes going from my elbows down since it can get a little tricky with circular motions. A Model Recommends shows you how she does it in her video HERE. As it involves using a very rough brush, this should not be performed on the face, only on the rest of the body, about 2-3 times a week. Sometimes when I don't do it for a while, I notice how much more skin cells come off, it's pretty amazing and kind of gross at the same time haha!

Have you heard of dry body brushing? Let me know if you try it out, you will be amazed by the results! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I keep seeing these brushes in The Body Shop stores but never picked one up! Will definitely get one and give the process a try. Thanks for sharing this xx
    My Beauty Junction

  3. Body brushing is a great treat for you skin and doesn't take much time at all. It's great to get rid of rough dry skin and increases circulation. I learned about this over 10 years ago while attending school for massage therapy. I admit I haven't used my dry brush in awhile. I'll have to find it, sanitize it and give my skin a well deserved brush. Thanks for the reminder.

    Barbara @

  4. ive never tried this but it looks soooo interesting! ive seen these brushes too but never picked one up. i might have to try this :)

  5. thats so crazy I just heard of this for the first time earlier this week. I would love to try it. I was with you on the gross part about the dry skin falling off. lol... great read. I'm going to stalk around a little longer. now following your blog. check me out when you get a chance.

  6. I have been meaning to get one for years cause like you said its supposed to lessen the appearance of cellulite, but they are always so expensive! might have to check this body shop one out now! Great post hun!
    Hannah :) x

    Love, Life, and Makeup Blog/Twitter/Pinterest

  7. Interesting. Id love to get one of these! I use a rougher brush sometimes on my legs but it scratches me :( I definitely need this

  8. I'm truly glad that I stumble upon your website, this is truly amazing, thanks for sharing such helpful tips.


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